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Push-Ups counter

            Couple of days ago, I was at the gym. I was doing push-ups and I lost my count. So I wondered whether I can make a device to count the number of push-ups I do. couple of days later, I had totally forgot about this idea, until recently I saw a project my friend had made at his office. It was a 7-Segment clock. So I got motivation to start my push-ups counter.
         The push-ups counter consists of 3 main blocks. Namely,
  1.  IR proximity detection block
  2. BCD counter
  3. BCD to seven segment encoder
Push-ups counter
         First IC from the left is the quad op-amp LM324, the second is the BCD counter CD4510 and the 3rd is the BCD to seven segment encoder CD4511

I constructed the IR proximity detection by connecting an IR receiver to the non-inverting terminal of LM324 (I prefer LM358. I did not use it because I had none at home) and connecting a 10k potentiometer to the inverting terminal. varying the potentiometer will change the sensitivity of the IR proximity detection. Note: Both IR transmitter and receiver are facing in the same dierection. not towards each other. i.e the transmitter and receiver face towards the sky. The light refelects to the IR receiver when you go down, this will generate a HIGH at the OP-Amp output.
         The output of the OP-Amp is connected to a BCD counter,in my case its CD4510. you can go through the datasheet online for pin configuration and wiring. connect the output of the OP-Amp to the clock of the CD4510. Make sure carry in  and preset enable and up/down counter is all connected to gnd.Since the connections are straight forward, I havent provided any circuits for this projects.if you have any queries you can leave as comment below.
        The output of the BCD counter is 4 Bit wide. The output of the BCD counter is provided as input to CD4511, which is a BCD to 7-Segment encoder. As before, refer for the datasheets for circuit configurations/diagrams/connection. Note: Use only a common cathode 7-Segment display
      adjust the sesitivity to the desired level by varying the pot after providing a 5V supply. I hope this post was of use.


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