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Hot plate (sodium acetate tri-hydrate)


                      S.A.T  plate is a new variation in the design of our food serving utensils. This innovation helps us to harvest chemical energy to keep our food warm in the plates which we use to serve the food. This is a simple innovation, yet effective in our day to day life.

                     The S.A.T plate is designed to overcome the problems of keeping the food warm for longer duration of time. This invention allows people to have their food and at the same time keep the food warm. Many of us are slow eaters; this means that the food loses its temperature before we complete eating the food. Hence the S.A.T plate is designed to overcome problems like these.


                        Sodium acetate tri hydrate crystals melt at around 331 K . Sodium acetate tri hydrate has a special property, That is when they are heated to around 373K, and allowed to cool, the liquid solution becomes supersaturated at this point. This supersaturated solution is capable of cooling to room temperature without forming crystals.

                        By clicking a metal disk in the S.A.T plate a nucleation centre is formed which causes the solution to crystallize into solid sodium acetate tri hydrate again. The bond-forming process of crystallization is exo-thermal , That is a lot of heat is released during this process. Using this heat the S.A.T plate gets warm, this keeps the food on the plate warm for longer duration. Hence food can be kept warm and fresh for a long time.

                       The latent heat of fusion is about 264–289 kJ/kg, Hence can be easily recharged by placing the plate in boiling water until all crystals are dissolved, The S.A.T plate can be reused indefinitely.

                     When metal disk in the center of the plate is pressed, the bond formation starts and the plate starts to warm, the sodium acetate tri hydrate crystallizes.



·        Food can be kept warm for a long duration of time.

·        The  S.A.T plate can be used indefinitely.

·        The S.A.T plate is cost effective.

·        The S.A.T plate is compact, yet effective.

·        The S.A.T plate is user friendly.

·        Using the Idea of an S.A.T plate, other utensils like Coffee/tea cups can be designed.

·        Unlike regular hot boxes, which are used to keep food warm, the S.A.T plate can be used to keep the food warm and use it as a serving plate. It is very compact and light weight compared to the hot boxes/ flasks .


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