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Peltier Module project Idea

Peltier module

Peltier module is a device which uses the peltier effect to create a heat difference between the two sides of the device.In simple terms its like a heat pump. It takes the heat from one side (The side which becomes cold) and transfers it to the other side (the side which becomes Hot). These are very compact and efficient. A DC source should be connected to this module. The Peltier module I have, requires a 12 volts supply. They are available in a lot of power rating. The higher the power rating the higher the capacity to pump the heat from one side to another. As you can see the image it has two terminals, one is red for +12 Volts and and black for ground. I tried to connect a 12 volts lead acid battery but it was not providing sufficient amount of current. So I took an SMPS from my old computer and used the +12 volts supply.

  • They are compact. Small in size. The one I have is around 4cmx4cm. and it can easily freeze water.
  • no refrigerant required. unlike conventional refrigerator, we do not need any refrigerant for cooling.
  • no moving parts. so no wear and tear of parts.
  • has a very long life.
  • the cooling/heating can be controlled by varying the input voltage.
  • Easy to use.
  • portable.
  • They are fragile. if you drop them the edges are going to break.
  • requires high current.
  • The temperature difference between the two sides of the peltier module is limited.
  • Not as efficint with respect to co-efficient of performance.
Project ideas:
  • Connect the peltier module between the processor of your computer and its heat sink. It will keep your processor cool and healthy for long hours use. This is best for office computer s or gaming computers.
  • similarly we can use the peltier module in other gadgets which gets too hot and can damage the device itself.
  • we can build a small refrigerator to keep a can of coke or beer cold connecting it to a cigarette lighter port in the car.
  • can build a USB coffee Warmer by using the hotside instead of the cold side
  • we can use this module to build a all weather jacket.  If you know whhat i mean...
  • A laptop cooler.
And more....
If you have more ideas please post them in the comment section.

NOTE: please connect a proper heat sink on the hot surface of the peltier module. Else the module will be damaged. And use heat sink compound between the heat sink and the Peltier module.

Ice formed on the peltier module.


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