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Raspberry Pi remote ssh

In this post I will teach you how to remotely access your rasperry pi from another computer on the same network. we can access the raspberry pi without connecting a monitor, keyboard or a mouse to it. I assume you have downloaded the SD card Image of raspbian "wheezy" or similar. and setup your SD card. By default the ssh will be enabled on the raspbian "wheezy". Now you just need to insert the SD card and plug in the LAN cable or a WiFi Dongle. check the connection once and power it up.

now you have to find the internal IP address for the raspberry pi. The common one is to connect it to a monitor and connect a keyboard. power it on and enter
user name: pi
password: raspberry
Now type ifconfig, scroll and find the IP address. usually i will start from 192.168.x.x. note down this IP address.
The second method which I discovered was to log in to your WiFi router (I had connected my raspberry pi to LAN using the WiFi router). In this method you need not connect a monitor or a keyboard to the raspberry pi. just connect the powersupply and to LAN/WiFi You can do this from your computer by going to the URL bar and typing (this might be different for different manufacturer/service provider) By default,
user name: admin
password: password
Then browse and select device info and scroll down and click on DHCP. There you can see the devices connected on your network. search for raspberrypi and see the IP address to its right and note it down.
Now to connect to the raspberry pi from the computer.

For windows User:
Download puTTY and execute it.
No enter the IP address of the raspberry pi and click on open. you will get a terminal.
login as: pi
password: Raspberry
Now type sudo raspi-config and configure your raspberry pi!

For Linux users:
Open the terminal and type ssh pi@ your raspberry pi IP adddress instead of and press Enter
login as: pi
password: Raspberry
Now type sudo raspi-config and configure your raspberry pi!


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